Navdeep Kaur
Research Assistant , Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), India
Title: Perception of frontline health workers about m-health applications in India
Biography: Navdeep Kaur
The rapid expansion of mobile technology infrastructure presents an unprecedented opportunity to increase access to health care in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs). m-Health (Mobile Health) interventions has an opportunity to provide point-of-care decision support to community-based health workers for effective case management. The present study aims at reporting initial investigations into the task of introducing m-health application to improve child health care facilities. It was a sequential, explanatory mixed study which used structured perception checklists and focused group discussions to record the perception of the frontline workers i.e. ANM (Auxiliary Nurse Midwives) (n=40) about using m-health in health care delivery in community settings. It was found that 80% of ANMs were using mobile technology in their work setting and almost all of them were positive about introduction of IT in health care on regular basis. Major concerns of the ANMs were inability to use smart phones, network issues, lack of internet connectivity etc. More than half (65%) of the ANMs expressed ability to use mobile apps on provision of proper trainings. 1/3rd of the ANMs listed knowledge and skill up gradation as the main use of m-health followed by recording and reporting information as the second most important use. Emergency alarm and GPS tracking were marked as the most and the least desired features, respectively in any m- health application. Overall the ANMs were enthusiastic to use mobile applications in health care delivery.